Phase 2: You have received a supervision spot
  • Your supervisor will now enrol you in their Master's seminars. There are two Master's seminars, which are normally completed within a period of two consecutive semesters. 
  • Regular and active participation in the Master's seminars is required throughout the duration of the Master's thesis. This includes submitting a research proposal and delivering a presentation on the planned research design and questions ("Planungsreferat"). 
  • Attention: It is mandatory for each student to formally notify the "StudienServiceCenter" (SSC) about the topic of their Master's thesis. This should be done before starting the thesis. When agreed with your supervisor, please fill in the form "Registration of topic and supervision of the Master's thesis", which can be found on the website of the SSC.
    • → Submit the form to your supervisor for signature.
    • → After obtaining the supervisor's signature, submit the form to the SSC.


>> Phase 3 >>