Selected Publications

Büttner, O. B., Florack, A. Leder, H., Paul, M. A., Serfas, B. G. & Schulz, A. M. (2014). Hard to ignore: Impulsive buyers show an attentional bias in shopping situations. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 5, 343–351.

Büttner, O. B., Wieber, F., Schulz, A. M., Bayer, U. C., Florack, A., & Gollwitzer, P. M. (2014). Visual attention and goal pursuit: Deliberative and implemental mindsets affect breadth of attention. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40, 1248–1259. 

Cross-Villasana, F., Gröpel, P., Ehrlenspiel, F., & Beckmann, J. (2018). Central theta amplitude as a negative correlate of performance proficiency in a dynamic visuospatial task. Biological Psychology, 132, 37–44.

Diamantopoulos, A., Florack, A., Halkias, G., & Palcu, J. (2017). Explicit versus implicit country stereotypes as predictors of product preferences: Insights from the stereotype content model. Journal of International Business Studies, 48, 1023–1036.

Egger, M., & Florack, A., (2022). Investigating the mechanisms by which selective attention affects subsequent preferences and choice. Scientific Reports, 12, Article 19345.

Egger, M., Florack, A., & Hübel, C. (2022). How placement affects brand preferences in advergames: A test of inhibition and facilitation processes during search. Computers in Human Behavior, 134(C), Article 107328.

Florack, A., Egger, M., & Hübner, R. (2020). When products compete for consumer attention: How selective attention affects preferences. Journal of Business Research, 111, 117–127.

Florack, A., Friese, M. & Scarabis, M. (2010). Regulatory focus and reliance on implicit preferences in consumption contexts. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 20(2), 193–204.

Florack, A. & Hartmann, J. (2007). Regulatory focus and investment decisions in small groups. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 43(4), 626–632.

Florack, A., Haasova, S., Hirschauer, S., & Serfas, B. (2018). Playing with food: The effects of food pre-exposure on consumption in young children. Physiology and Behavior, 195, 76–81.

Florack, A., Kleber, J, Busch, R., & Stöhr, D. (2014). Detaching the ties of ownership: The effects of hand washing on the exchange of endowed products. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 24(2), 284–289.

Florack, A., Koch, T., Haasova, S., Kunz, S., & Alves, H. (2021). The differentiation principle: Why consumers often neglect positive attributes of novel food products. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 31(4), 684–705.

Florack, A., Scarabis, M. & Bless, H. (2001). When do associations matter? The use of implicit associations towards ethnic groups in person judgments. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 37(6), 518–524.

Florack, A., Palcu, J., & Friese, M. (2013). The moderating role of regulatory focus on the social modeling of food intake. Appetite, 69, 114–122.

Florack, A., Keller, J., & Palcu, J. (2013). Regulatory focus in economic contexts. Journal of Economic Psychology, 38, 127–137.

Florack, A., Rohmann, A., Palcu, J. & Mazziotta, A. (2014). How initial cross-group friendships prepare for intercultural communication: The importance of anxiety reduction and self-confidence in communication. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 43, 278–288.

Gidakovic, P., Szöcs, I., Diamantopoulos, A., Florack, A., Egger, M., & Zabkar, V. (2022). The interplay of brand, brand origin, and brand user stereotypes in forming value perceptions. British Journal of Management, 33(4), 1924–1949.

Genschow, O., & Florack, A. (2014). Attention on the source of influence reverses the impact of cross-contextual imitation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 40(3), 1248–1259.

Genschow, O., Florack, A., & Wänke, M. (2013). The power of the movement: Evidence for context-independent movement imitation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 142(3), 763–773.

Haasova, S., & Florack, A. (2019). Practicing the (un)healthy=tasty intuition: Toward an ecological view of the relationship between health and taste in consumer judgments. Food Quality and Preference, 75, 39–53.

Halkias, G., Florack, A., Diamantopoulos, A., & Palcu, J. (2021). Eyes wide shut? Understanding and managing consumers' visual processing of country-of-origin cues. British Journal of Management, 33(3), 1432–1449.

Hubert, M., Florack, A., Gattringer, R., Eberhardt, T., Enkel, E., & Kenning, P. (2017). Flag up! – Flagship products as important drivers of perceived brand innovativeness. Journal of Business Research, 71, 154–163.

Kim, H. & Florack, A. (2021). Immediate self-information is prioritized over expanded self-information across temporal, social, spatial, and probability domains. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 74(9), 1615–1630.

Kim, H., Schlicht, R., & Florack, A. (2021). The contribution of social comparison to social network site addiction. PloS One, 16(10), Article e0257795.

Kim, H., Callan, M. J., Gheorghiu, A. I., & Skylark, W. J. (2018). Social comparison processes in the experience of personal relative deprivation. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 48(9), 519–532.

Kleber, J., Dickert, S., Peters, E., & Florack, A. (2013). Same numbers, different meanings: How numeracy influences the importance of numbers for pro-social behavior. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49(4), 699–705.

Kunz, S., Haasova, S., Pivecka, N., Schmidt, J., & Florack, A. (2023). Food is all around: How contexts create misbeliefs about the health-taste relationship. Psychological Science

Laaber, F., Florack, A., Koch, T., & Hubert, M. (2023). Digital Maturity: Development and validation of the Digital Maturity Inventory (DIMI). Computers and Human Behavior, 143, Article 107709.

Leder, S., Florack, A., & Keller, J. (2013). Thoughts about possible failure: Regulatory focus and the anticipation of regret. Social Cognition, 31(3), 349–373.

Leder, S., Florack, A., & Keller J. (2015). Self-regulation and protective health behavior: How regulatory focus and anticipated regret are related to vaccination decisions. Psychology and Health, 30(2), 165–188.

Matser, C., Van Oudenhoven, J. P., Askevis‐Leherpeux, F., Florack, A., Hannover, B., & Rossier, J. (2010). Impact of relative size and language on the attitudes between nations and linguistic groups: The case of Switzerland. Applied Psychology, 59(1), 143–158.

Palcu, J., Haasova, S., & Florack, A. (2019). Advertising models in the act of eating: How the depiction of different eating phases affects consumption desire and behavior. Appetite, 139, 59–66.

Samochowiec, J., & Florack, A. (2010). Intercultural contact under uncertainty: The impact of predictability and anxiety on the willingness to interact with a member from an unknown cultural group. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 34(5), 507–515.

Samuel, S., Roehr‐Brackin, K., Pak, H., & Kim, H. (2018). Cultural effects rather than a bilingual advantage in cognition: A review and an empirical study. Cognitive Science, 42(7), 2313–2341.

Serfas, B. G., Büttner, O. B., & Florack, A. (2014). Eyes wide shopped: Shopping situations trigger arousal in impulsive buyers. PloS One, 9(12), Article e114593.

Serfas, B., Büttner, O., & Florack, A. (2016). Using implementation intentions in shopping situations: How arousal can help shield consumers against temptations. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 30(5), 672–680.

Söllner, M., & Florack, A. (2019). Who provides feedback to older drivers when driving ability tails off: The role of age stereotypes. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 60, 217–227.

Söllner, M., & Florack, A. (2019). Age stereotypes and compliance with feedback in elderly drivers. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 67, 66–77.

Söllner, M., Dürnberger, M., Keller, J., & Florack, A. (2022). The impact of age stereotypes on well-being: Strategies of selection, optimization, and compensation as mediator and regulatory focus as moderator: Findings from a cross-sectional and a longitudinal study. Journal of Happiness Studies, 23, 635–665.

Wagner, M., Bibl, K., Hrdliczka, E., Steinbauer, P., Stiller, M., Gröpel, P., Goeral, K., Salzer-Muhar, U., Berger, A., Schmölzer, G. M., & Olischar, M. (2019). Effects of feedback on chest compression quality: A randomized simulation study. Pediatrics, 143(2), Article e20182441.

Zabkar, V., Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, M., Diamantopoulos, A., & Florack, A. (2017). Brothers in blood, yet strangers to global brands purchase: A four-country study of the role of consumer personality. Journal of Business Research, 80, 228–235.