Ines Röhrle B.Sc. MSc

Applied Social Psychology and Consumer Research

Department of Psychology
University of Vienna
Universitätsstraße 7
A-1010 Vienna

Office: C0715 (NIG)


Appointments only by arrangement.


I joined the SoKo Lab as a research fellow in March 2024, after two years of working in HR consulting and conducting employee surveys.

I am part of the "ComMEATted" project, which explores the potential shift towards reduced meat consumption from an interdisciplinary perspective across five countries (France, Austria, Romania, Norway, Ireland), considering plant proteins, insects, and synthetic meat. In particular, I am investigating the psychological mechanisms and sources of information that influence consumers' attitudes towards meat alternatives.

You can find more information on the “ComMEATted” project here 

Current position

research fellow, University of Vienna, Austria


2018 - 2022
MSc Psychology, University of Vienna, Austria

B.Sc. Psychology, University of Tübingen, Germany